Hello my dear people. This post is here to show you some of the things I got from the site Dresslily. According to my previous posts, You can notice that I love lace clothes, so I decided again for that type of garment. You can see a red lace shirt on the pictures, I like the shirt a lot, but I made a mistake because I took a larger number so it's a little big for me. In the last picture of this post you can see a few bracelets, which are beautiful and so wearable, but I have to shorten them because they are large for my thin arms. : 'D haha
Zdravo dragi moji. Ovaj post je tu da vam pokažem neke stvari koje sam dobila od stranice Dresslily. Po mojim prethodnim objavama može se primjetiti da mnogo volim čipkanu odjeću, pa sam opet odlučila se na taj tip odjevnog predmeta. S toga na slikama možete vidjeti crvenu čipkanu košulju, ja sam oduševljena njom samo što sam pogriješila jer sam uzela veći broj. Na zadnjoj slici ovog posta možete vidjeti nekoliko narukvica, koje su predivne i tako nosive, samo što njih moram skratit jer su velike za moje tanke ruke. :'D haha
Link for the shirt: openwork-square-collar-flare-sleeve-lace-blouse-product
Link for the bracelets:love-heart-infinite-beaded-bracelets-product
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