Helou. I started collecting up hairclips , and you? Yes, I fell in love with them, there are various shapes, colors, although I like the most the ones that you can see in the pictures. There is also this lovely white shirt from Dresslily shop, which perfectly matches these hariclips. The shirt is lacy material, it is comfortable even if the sleeves are too long and it's a little difficult to move with hands, but that is not a problem.
Helou. Ja sam počela skupljati šnale, a vi? Da, baš sam se zaljubila u njih, ima raznih oblika, boja, mada mi se najviše sviđa ovaj tip koji možete vidjeti na slikama. Tu je i ova lijepa bijela košulja s Dresslily trgovine, koja se savršeno slaže sa šnalama. Košulja je čipkanog materijala, udobna je, samo mi dugi rukavi malo otežavaju kretnje rukama, ali to nije problem.
Link for the shirt: plunging-neck-lace-panel-top-product
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