Hi. This time here is a little bit different post, it's about the clothes I would love to have , and it's from site Zaful . This website has really nice clothes but there is always something that is more beautiful. See below the clothes that belongs to my wish list. Ćao narode. Ovaj put tu je malo drugačiji post, riječ je o odjeći koju bih voljela imati, i u pitanju je sajt Zaful . Na tom sajtu ima doista lijepe odjeće ali ipak ima nešto što je najljepše. Pogledajte u nastavku posta odjeću koja spada u moju listu želja. 1. http://www.zaful.com/flower-appliqued-blouse-p_229611.html?lkid=43466 2. http://www.zaful.com/zip-up-flounced-blazer-p_247642.html?lkid=43466 3. http://www.zaful.com/drape-front-plus-size-coat-p_235922.html?lkid=43466 4. http://www.zaful.com/pompon-checked-pu-leather-tote-bag-p_182138.html?lkid=43466 5. http://www.zaful.com/raglan-sleeves-shirt-neck-panel-jumper-p_245519.html?lkid...