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Prikazuju se postovi od 2014

Dream until your dreams come true!

Hello my lovelies. I'm here after a long time. I had a lot of obligations and because of that I had to quit the Internet and even I had to deactivate my account on Facebook, but now I'm available on all social networks. I hope you will like this casual combination, this type of the jacket is the best for the winter, it's very warm and nice looking. Zdravo dragi moji. Nakon dužeg vremena ponovo sam tu. Imala sam mnogo obaveza i zbog tog sam morala prekinuti s internetom i čak sam se deaktivirala na facebooku, ali ponovo sam dostupna na svim društvenim mrežama. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti ova casual kombinacija, ovaj tip jakne je najbolji za zimu, veoma topao a lijepo izgleda.

Vero Moda

Hello my lovelies. :) Today was a wonderful time, and I was out with my friends, and decided to share this outfit with you. I hope you'll like it. Ćao dragi moji. :) Danas je bilo predivno vrijeme, a ja sam bila vani sa društvom, i odlučila sam da ovaj autfit podijelim s vama. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti.  -jacket:  Vero Moda -sweater: TCM -skirt: no brand -boots: ATO shoes

My wishlist

Hello my lovelies. :) This time I have a different post for you, it's about my wish list for purchase. Feel free to comment if you like the items that I chose. Zdravo dragi moji. :) Ovog puta za vas imam drugačiji post, radi se o mojoj listi želja za kupovinu. Komentirajte da li se vama sviđaju komadi koje sam izabrala.

That's what I call paradise .

Hello my lovelies , I hope you are enjojing these beautiful autumn days. I managed to find some time to nicely present you my time spent in Turkey, country Turkey, and of course, my outfit. I chosed the most beautiful photos to show you, I hope you will like them. During this school trip,  I had more desire to visit many countries, meet different cultures, understand the opinions of many people, get to know their traditions, customs. This is something that I could never get bored with and this is what I would be able to deal with all my life, and of course photography. Turkey is a paradise for the soul and eyes, beautiful scenes, buildings from past eras, such a beautiful country with which every person can very easily fall in love . People are a little bit strange as their way of dressing, which is much different from ours, but otherwise residents of Istanbul are very kind, pleasant, and they like tourists, but they do not like the way we dress .Our tour around Istanbul consist...

Magic in Greece .

Hello my lovelies. :)  I came back from school trip satisfied and full of energy. There is no word which could describe how it was, but a word that helps is unforgettable, it was unforgettable, and I would like to have a snapshot of the whole journey, all the moments, jokes, events, I don't want to forget them. In this post I'm showing you an outfit that I wore in Greece, place Paralia. Paralia is a beautiful little town with very friendly people, unfortunately the weather was very bad, so we couldn't enjoy the sea. Zdravo dragi moji . :) Zadovoljna i puna energije sam se vratila sa ekskurzije . Ne postoji pravi epitet kojim bih mogla opisati kako je bilo , ali riječ koja bar malo pomaže jest nezaboravno , bilo je nezaboravno , i voljela bih da imam snimak cijelog tog putovanja , sve momente , šale ,događaje , da ih ne zaboravim . U ovom postu vam pokazujem outfit koji sam nosila u Grčkoj , tačnije mjesto Paralia . Paralia je predivan gradić , sa veoma ljubaznim ljudima ,...

Sunset Girl

* Hello my people  . I'm back from little break in a small city called Neum , and I have a new outfit for you guys .  I almost could not find time for photography because I had to worry about my little niece who is very playful, but I managed. This outfit is perfect for a night out, and for walks but only if you change these sandals with ballet flats or with other flat shoes. * Vratila sam se s malog odmora u malom gradu Neumu , i imam novi outfit za vas . Skoro da nisam mogla pronaći vrijeme za fotografiranje  jer sam morala brinuti o maloj nećakinji  koja je veoma razigrana , ali uspjela sam . Ovaj outfit je savršen za noćne izlaske,a i za šetnje  ali ako umjesto ovih sandala na petu obučete baletanke ili neku drugu ravnu obuću . And I had to show you this wonderful view , I'm just absolutely in love with sunsets , it's so colorful and peaceful . :)

Peace & Love

  Hello , my dear . :)  Again , here I am  with a new simple post and  outfit.  I'm a big fan of long skirts, that their comfort and simple elegance leave no one indifferent.  This outfit is the best  for walks around town. Helo dragi moji . :)  Evo mene opet s novim jednostavnim postom i outfitom .  Ja sam veliki zaljubljenik u duge suknje , ta njihova udobnost i jednostavna elegancija nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim . Ovaj outfit je najbolji za šetnje gradom  .  -top :  X-CEPT -shoes : OLYMP -bracelet : no brand -skirt : no brand