Preskoči na glavni sadržaj


 Hello everybody. What a pity it is not spring yet :( I miss warm and sunny weather a lot. In this post I'll present two products from the website: Zaful

 First product - boots: The footwear as much as it's important they look good it is also important  that they are comfortable, being all day in uncomfortable shoes can be very bad for our feet, these boots are the most comfortable boots I've ever had, and with it they look very nice. I'm very satisfied.

Second product -cap: That little piece of clothing but so stylish. This lovely cap is made of really good quality, warm and perfect for cold winter, and as I already mentioned, the cap is beautiful.

Link: http: //
Zaful page as the last time did not leave me disappointed, on the contrary, I'm satisfied.


Zdravo svima. Koja šteta što još nije proljeće :(, mnogo sam se poželjela toplog i sunčanog vremena.U ovom postu vam predstavljam dva proizvoda od stranice: Zaful

1.proizvod-čizme: Kod obuće koliko god da je važno da izgledaju lijepo važno je i da su udobne, jer provesti čitav dan u neudobnoj obući zna biti veoma loše za naše noge, ove čizme su najudobnijih čizmica koje sam imala, a uz to i izgledaju veoma lijepo. Pun pogodak. Mnogo sam zadovoljna.

2.proizvod-kapa: Tako mali dio odjeće a tako pun stila. Ova predivna kapa je mnogo kvalitetna, topla i savršena za zimske hladnoće, i kao što sam već pomenula, kapa je predivna.

Zaful stranica kao i prošli put nisu me ostavili razočaranu, naprotiv, zadovoljnu.


  1. Great post dear

    Would you like follow each other? :)

  2. super postz.. svida mi se kapa i cizme.. zapratila sam te, nadam se da ces uzvratiti

    Maggie's Blog

  3. Totally agree a warm hat and some comfortable yet stylish shoes are essential for winter. Love how you've styled your outfit in the same colour tones. Thanks for sharing!

    City Style and Living The Editors Notebook | Instagram


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