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Prikazuju se postovi od siječanj, 2015

Those snowy days.

And again I am here, I found time to take pictures for the new post. I believe you've all spent a great time during the holidays, and happy New Year to you all. I recently bought this dress, I am thrilled with the material, really good quality, and I love puffy dresses and skirts. This beautiful bracelet I received from Oriflame, it's with Swarovski elements. I hope you will like the pictures and outfit. I ponovo sam tu, našla sam vremena da uradim slike za novi post. Vjerujem  da ste se svi proveli super za praznike, i sretna vam svima Nova Godina sa malim kašnjenjem. Nedavno sam kupila ovu haljinu, oduševljena sam materijalom, kvalitetan, i veoma mi se sviđaju puf haljine i suknje. Predivnu narukvicu sam dobila iz Oriflame-a, sa Swarovski elementima. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti slike kao i autfit. I love this winter time.